Financing Mechanisms WILD Cities Principle Five

RiverSmart program: DC

Location: Washington, DC
Agency or Organization:District Department of the Environment

RiverSmart program: DC incentivizes projects that limit the amount of polluted storm water going into our river systems. Homeowners, schools and businesses can get site evaluation, funding and rebates for installing green infrastructure systems (like rain barrels, rain gardens, green roofs) that help protect wildlife and river habitat from urban pollutants.


RiverSmart program: DC, District Department of the Environment

Integrated Green Stormwater Infrastructure Guide

Agency or Organization:U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

A U.S. Environmental Protection Agency guide to tools helping communities address water quality challenges through green stormwater infrastructure.


Community Based Public-Private Partnerships (CBP3) and Alternative Market-Based Tools for Integrated Green Stormwater Infrastructure: A Guide for Local Governments

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Urban Waters Small Grants

Agency or Organization:U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

The Urban Waters Small Grants (UWSG) program funds States, local governments, territories, Indian Tribes, and possessions of the U.S. (including the District of Columbia), public and private universities and colleges, public or private nonprofit institutions/organizations, intertribal consortia, and interstate agencies to support work that restores and improves water quality, and enhances neighborhoods across U.S. urban areas through education, empowerment, and revitalization. The program seeks to involve underserved communities.


About the Urban Waters Small Grants Program

Urban Waters Program

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