Practices WILD Cities Principle Five

Sewer System Improvement Program (SSIP) Green Infrastructure Projects
Location:San Francisco, California, USA
Agency or Organization:San Francisco Water, Power, Sewer

SSIP green infrastructure projects are currently underway in each of San Francisco's eight watersheds to manage stormwater before it enters the city's sewer system. Current projects include rain gardens, permeable pavement, green bulbouts, and others.


SSIP Green Infrastructure Projects Page

Project Fact Sheet

Interactive Green Infrastructure Map

[image here!]

The Urban Waters Learning Network
Location: Various
Agency or Organization:Groundwork USA, the River Network

A partnership between Groundwork USA & River Network, The Urban Waters Learning Network serves as a community and destination for sample practices used to improve urban waterways and revitalize the communities around them.


Urban Waterways Learning Network Homepage

Urban Waters Learning Network Webinars - Recorded Webinars

URBIS: Green Infrastructure Factsheet
Agency or Organization:

Barcelona trees and air purification case study.


Green Infrastructure, a wealth for cities Factsheet (PDF)

Green City, Clean Waters
Location:Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Agency or Organization:Philadelphia Water Department

The Philadelphia Water Department developed Green City, Clean Waters to provide a clear pathway to a sustainable future while strengthening the utility, broadening its mission, and complying with environmental laws and regulations.


Clean City, Clean Waters Web Portal

URBES Project: Urban resilience and sustainability factsheet
Agency or Organization:

The Urban Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Project.....
This factsheet includes a case study of brownfield regeneration work in Berlin, Germany.


Urban resilience and sustainability, two sides of the same coin? (PDF)

Conservation Fund- Strategic Conservation Planning

Agency or Organization:The Conservation Fund

The Conservation Fund's Strategic Conservation team partner with governments, businesses, landowners and others in establishing protected areas in and around cities. Through this work, they engage in strategic planning support, land conservation loans and conservation land acquisition, as well as green infrastructure projects.


Strategic Conservation Planning

The Emerald Necklace Forest to Ocean Expanded Vision plan for Los Angeles County

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