Policies WILD Cities Principle Four

Wetlands-at-Risk Protection Tool

Agency or Organization: Center for Watershed Protection, under cooperative agreement with the US EPA, Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds
Location: Various

Provides a five-step wetlands protection process for local governments to use in managing and protecting wetlands at a watershed scale. Each step is illustrated with specific local government examples. The process: (1) Update wetland maps; (2) Estimate wetland loss; (3) Identify priority wetlands; (4) Estimate wetland values; (5) Protect wetlands. Options (under step five) include both regulatory and voluntary approaches available to local governments for managing and protecting wetlands, including: land use planning; land conservation; aquatic buffers; better site design; erosion and sediment control; stormwater treatment; non-stormwater discharges; and watershed stewardship.


Wetlands-at-Risk Protection Tool, WARPT

Other Principles Four Entries:

**[Principle Four Financing Mechanisms : a funding source, public or private
